Tolerance for Kids

Decision Trees

Choose How to Respond to the Following Scenarios

In the following scenarios, you will read about people being bullied.  As you read the stories, think about what the best response is to promote tolerance.

Scenario #1:

You are walking home from school when you see a bully teasing a younger, smaller kid because he is wearing glasses.  He is being called “Four Eyes.”  What do you do?

Would you decide to keep walking home because you are not as big or tough as the bully and you are afraid of getting hurt?  Or, would you try to help, even if you get hurt too?

Scenario #2:

You notice someone sitting alone at a table during lunch at school.  The other kids are laughing at him because he is wearing shabby or dirty clothes.  What do you do?

Would you decide to go sit with this boy and get to know him, even though the other kids might make fun of you for doing it?  Or would you join in with your friends and ignore this person?

Consequences of Your Decisions:

Scenario #1:

If you said yes, then you probably would have made it home safe, but the smaller kid may have been very hurt, and the bully would not get into trouble for being mean, because you would be too afraid to tell anyone about it.

If you said no, you might have been hurt, but at least you know that the smaller kid would be your friend and thank you for helping, and the bully would get into trouble.


To be a bystander and do nothing to help someone is just as bad as the person who is doing the wrong or mean thing.

Scenario #2:

If you said yes, you would have made a new friend and shown the other kids that you do not judge a person by what they wear.

If you said no, you may have lost an opportunity to get to know and become friends with that person.


Sometimes decisions can be difficult to make, but we must each do what we feel is the right thing, even if our friends don’t agree.